Soybeans and its related products are used in a multitude of forms in different food products. The main soy derivative products produced for the human food market are full-fat soybean meal, white flakes (also referred to as defatted soybean meal), textured vegetable protein (TVP), soy concentrates and soy isolates. Full fat soybean meal is mainly produced for blended cereals to increase breakfast products’ protein content. White flakes and TVP are typically used as meat analogues, as absorption agents and extenders to increase the protein content.

In a study funded by the Oilseeds Advisory Committee (OAC), BFAP unpacked the various soy-derived-products-for-human-consumption value chains, and highlighted their respective Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in the South African context. (Main author: Dr. Melissa van der Merwe).


Download the full report.


In the September 2021 Edition of the Oilseed Focus Hester Vermeulen (BFAP) and Melissa van der Merwe (Stellenbosch University) published the key findings of the above mentioned report.


Article available here – page 32.

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